weight watchers

Living on the scales


Elevated low section view of woman standing on weighing scales
Image Courtesy: pinterest.com

Last week I was down with the seasonal flu. And, the highlight was that I lost 4 kgs!

Yes, I watch my weight (and see the scales not moving an inch) every morning. I am very conscious about my body. And, there are reasons.

My weight is a public spectacle. Everyone feels comfortable walking up to me and telling me how I have gained a lot of weight in the last two years, or how they have tried a new diet that really seems to work or to simply tell me that I should avoid the samosas being served with the tea.

“You know the <insert any name> bhaiiya was telling me how you have put on a lot of weight. So, I thought I should tell you that you must work on losing it now,” my boss told me one day. This was without me inviting her to comment on my weight. She also suggested a diet that had worked for her. Continue reading “Living on the scales”